
A tiny framework to write easily HTML code in javascript

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A tiny framework to write easily HTML code in javascript


  • Download the latest release.
  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install with npm: npm install scriber-js.


            .value("my value")


<div id="myId" class="my-css-class"><input value="my value"><span style="red"></span></div>


scriber.<tagName>() or scriber.Element(<tagName>)

Creates the root element. You can use generic "element" function with will take the tagName as parameter, or a shortcut function wich name will be the tagName.

This function will return an "Element" object to work on the new created element

Element.<tagName>() or Element.element(<tagName>)

Creates a child element with same rules.

This function returns the created element. To close this element, use the end function.


Ends the current element. Returns the parent element.

Element.(<String> value) or Element.attr(<String> name, <String> value)

Creates an attribute on the element. You can use either a shortcut function or generic element() function

Element.text(<String> value)

Adds a text node. No need to end a text node as it does not accept children.


Return the element as a String


Return the element as HTMLElement object

Shortcut methods

For tags

Scriber supports shortcuts for the following tags

"dl","dt","em","embed","fieldset","figcaption","figure","font","footer","form","frame","frameset","h1",- "h6","head","header","hr",

For attributes

Scriber supports shortcuts for the following attributes. The style attribute has no shortcut because the style method already handles the style tag. If you really want to add a style attribute (instead of class), use the generic attr("style") method.

["alt", "diabled", "href", "src", "title", "value", "name", "id", "class"]